Michael became a Trustee in 2007 and has been a faithful Christian for many years.    Michael is passionate about the growth of ACCET and also brings experienced financial and investment management to the Board.

– Michael Bargholz, NSW. Trustee. Chairman.

David is a founding trustee with ACCET and has soundly administered ACCET from day one. David has served both as an evangelist and in business / finance roles. This combined experience is of value to the Board.

– David Payne, VIC. Trustee. Secretary / Treasurer.

Peter is the newest Trustee, going the Board in 2024. Peter has been a Deacon at The Point congregation in Queensland since 2006 and has been a long-time supporter of ACCET. He is now retired after holding positions in Financial Control and Business Management.

– Peter Amos, QLD. Trustee

David is a founding Trustee with ACCET and has also worked in full-time ministry for over 7 years. David understands the support needs of evangelists and sees ACCET as a support resource that the church in Australia desperately needs .

– David Mowday, NSW. Trustee.

Stuart is a founding trustee with ACCET and has been working full-time with the church in Australia for over 30 years. Stuart sees ACCET as a valuable resource to help support evangelists in Australia.

– Stuart Penhall, NSW. Trustee.

Geoff joined the ACCET Board as a Trustee in 2008. Geoff has been a faithful member at the Heidelberg West church of Christ, with his wife Joan for many years. Geoff represents ACCET in Victoria.

– Geoff Thomas, VIC. Trustee